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免疫层析中常用表面活性剂|SURFACTANT TOOLKit

更新:2018-6-7 21:32:06      点击:
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The Surfactant ToolKit contains 25 individual surfactants, many of which are not available from laboratory chemical supply houses. These surfactants have been proven by hands-on experience to be the most useful ones for the development of diagnostic test kits. Gentle, enzyme-compatible, Non Hemolyzing traits are among the many properties you will find for these surfactants:

You Get These Advantages:

*Improved Precision

*Uniform Color Development

*Faster Wetting By Sample

*Uniform Uptake of Impregnation Reagents

*Faster Reaction Times

*No Precipitation of Reagents

*Enzyme Stabilization/Activation

*Faster Solubilization of Raw Materials

*Dispersion of Insoluble Reagents

*Emulsification of Oily Reagents

*Uniform Wetting of Membrane Supports

*Faster Resolubilization of Reagents

*Compatible With Organic Solvents

*Reproducible Sample Uptake

*No Air Bubbles in the Support

The use of surfactants in in vitro diagnostic test kit is well known to those skilled in the art, but the surfactants may not be readily available to laboratory investigators who are new to this technolog. The Surfactant ToolKit distributed by Research Diagnostics Inc  is the first step to solving this problem. Even experienced reagent developers will find new surfactants and properties which they have not used before.

What You Will Receive.....

We include 25 cationic, anionic, nonionic, and amphoteric surfactants. Bottles contain 20 to 25 grams of each surfactant. Included for each surfactant are its trade name, chemical names, HLB, formula weight, and examples of its function, all in a handy clamshell case.
Are You In Any of these Areas?   Then this kit is for YOU!

*Immobilized Particles

*Dry Reagent Strip Tests

*Medical Diagnostic Test Kits

*Environmental Test Kits

*Immunoassay Test Kits

*ELISA Test Kits


*Agricultural Test Kits

*Contamination Residue Clean-up

*Pesticide Solubilization
